NEST 529 College Savings Plans Offer New Options for Account Owners
Enhancements Include Lower Costs, Updated Age-Based and Static Investments

First National Bank of Omaha and Nebraska State Treasurer Don Stenberg today announced enhancements to the NEST 529 College Savings Plans, including adjusted investments and lowered costs. Taking effect today, the enhancements apply to the NEST 529 Direct, NEST 529 Advisor and TD Ameritrade 529 College Savings Plans.

The changes, designed to elevate the existing strong lineup of investment options, reflect NEST 529’s desire to regularly update offerings to help account owners meet their savings goals.

Age-Based Options

  • NEST 529 redesigned its age-based options to maximize return and reduce market risk that may arise because of large asset allocation shifts that occur when a beneficiary moves from one age band to another as the beneficiary approaches college age.

Static Options

  • NEST 529 expanded its static investment options to provide account owners more choices based on how close they are to their savings goals. For instance, one option would give those who started saving late investments to help them catch up.

Lowered Fees

  • The total estimated annual asset-based fees will change as a result of three factors. 1. Nebraska lowering its State Administration Fee from 0.03 percent to 0.02 percent. 2. Changes to underlying investments’ expense ratios. 3. The creation of additional age bands in the Age-Based Investment Option and additional Static Investment Options. 

“At NEST 529, one of our goals is to offer the best possible investment options to our account owners, positioning their portfolios for success and, in turn, maximizing their savings,” said Treasurer Stenberg, Trustee of NEST 529. “We continuously re-evaluate the performance of those options—along with market conditions—to identify new opportunities, and we believe account owners will be pleased with the latest updates.” 

“Establishing savings early is paramount to helping children attain a higher education and achieve their dreams later in life,” said Deborah Goodkin, Managing Director, Savings Plans, First National Bank of Omaha. “By implementing these improvements, we are providing families with a diverse lineup, offering them the opportunity to select from a wide array of options to find the ones that best suit their needs and allows them to achieve their unique financial goals.”

More information is available at, or

About NEST 529

NEST 529 is a tax-advantaged 529 college savings plan and provides four plans to help make saving for college simple and affordable: NEST Direct College Savings Plan, the NEST Advisor College Savings Plan, the Bloomwell 529 Education Savings Plan, and the State Farm 529 Savings Plan. The Nebraska State Treasurer serves as Program Trustee. Union Bank & Trust Company serves as Program Manager, and all investments are approved by the Nebraska Investment Council. Families nationwide are saving for college using Nebraska’s 529 College Savings Plans, which have more than 297,000 accounts, including over 97,000 Nebraskans. Visit and for more information.

About First National Bank of Omaha

First National Bank of Omaha is a subsidiary of First National of Nebraska. First National of Nebraska and its affiliates have more than $23 billion in assets and 5,000 employee associates. Primary banking offices are located in Nebraska, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota and Texas.

Investments Are Not FDIC Insured* · No Bank, State or Federal Guarantee · May Lose Value
*Except the Bank Savings Static Investment Option Underlying Investment
  • Jana Langemach
  • Director of Communications
  • 402-471-8884